Soupe a la tomate

Yield: 4 -5 people

Measure Ingredient
1 pounds Fresh tomatoes
1 small Onion
1 litre Water
1 tablespoon Brown sugar
1 tablespoon Butter
2 tablespoons Flour
\N \N Salt, pepper
\N \N Basil leaves
\N \N Thyme
1 \N Blender or electric mixer

In a large pan, melt the butter and add the onions diced. Wash and cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Mix tomatoes into the pan. Stir. After a minute pour the flour and stir. Then add the water slowly and keep stirring. Add the salt and pepper, the basil leaves and thyme. Let it cook slowly over low heat for about one hour. Then pour into the blender and liquify the soup. Now it is ready serve. As is customary with French meals, this is served as a seperate dish. It could be the first course of a meal. Posted to FOODWINE Digest 23 Mar 97 by Peter Viola <Peter_Viola@...> on Mar 24, 1997

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