
5 servings


Quantity Ingredient
3 Firm; ripe plantains
2 teaspoons Salt
Oil (peanut oil prefered); for deep frying


Peel the plantains. Cut crosswise in slices about ½-inch wide. Slant the knife while cutting so slices will have an oval shape. Place in salted water to cover and soak for 1 hour. Drain, reserving the water, and pat dry. Deep-fry at about 375 degrees until the plantains are tender but not crusty. Remove from the oil, drain well and flatten by pressing evenly with the bottom of a glass, or you can use a tostone press, a gadget available in any Latino Market. After frying and pressing, dip each slice in the salted water, pat dry and fry again until crusty. Drain on absorbent paper.

Makes about 40 tostones, enough for 5 to 6 servings.

Comments: Tostones are fried plantain chips. A plantain is close to a banana, but in Puerto Rico it is served as a vegetable, a fruit and a starch in a salad. Try this and you will gain an understanding of the Puerto Rican culture.

Recipe Source: THE FRUGAL GOURMET by Jeff Smith From the 10-23-1991 issue - The Springfield Union-News

Formatted for MasterCook by Joe Comiskey, aka MR MAD - jpmd44a@...

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Recipe by: Jeff Smith

Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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