Bing cherry coconut bread

Yield: 1 Servings

Measure Ingredient
1 cup Coconut milk
2⅓ tablespoon Walnut oil or vegetable oil
2⅓ tablespoon Honey
½ \N Egg
½ teaspoon Salt
¾ cup Whole-wheat flour
¾ cup Rolled oats
1½ cup Bread flour
1½ teaspoon Active dry yeast
⅓ cup Cherries, bing; dried
⅓ cup Coconut flakes
3 tablespoons Almonds; sliced
1⅓ cup Coconut milk
3 tablespoons Walnut oil or vegetable oil
3 tablespoons Honey
1 \N Egg
¾ teaspoon Salt
1 cup Whole-wheat flour
1 cup Rolled oats
2 cups Bread flour
2 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast
½ cup Cherries, Bing -- dried
½ cup Coconut Flakes
¼ cup Almonds -- sliced

1½ LB

2 LB

Recipe by: The Bread Machine Cookbook V - ISBN 1-55867-093-9 Add cherries, coconut and almonds at the beep or appropriate time for your machine. CYCLE: sweet, white; no timer SETTING: light to medium NOTES : Make sure you use coconut milk and not cream of coconut.

Posted to MM-Recipes Digest by "Rfm" <Robert-Miles@...> on Sep 21, 98

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