Grain info and cooking chart 10

1 info


Quantity Ingredient
Forms of Rye
1 C. dry
water to boil, without salt, in 2-qt.
saucepan. Add grain, return to a boil.
Cover, lower heat and simmer.
Let stand 10 minutes.
temperature after cooking. Refrigeration
toughens the grains.
1 C. dry
saucepan. Gradually add grits, while
stirring. Return to a boil, lower heat and
simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally
until thick.
good breakfast cereal.
1 C. dry
saucepan. Stir in flakes, return to boil,
lower heat, cover and simmer.
Let stand 5 minutes.
The Versatile Grain
and the
Elegant Bean
by Sheryl and Mel London
ISBN 0-671-76106-4


Whole Grain Rye Berries or Groats: The whole grain with only the outer hull removed. If you plan to use it in bread baking, use a ratio of 30 to 40 percent rye to 60 or 70 percent gluten flours (white or whole-wheat).

Rye Grits: Whole rye cracked into six or eight separate pieces. Often used as a cereal or can be mixed with other grains or gluten flour for breads. Generally available in health food stores or by mail order.

Rye Meal: A pumpernickel-type rye, whole ground to the consistency of cornmeal. Blend it with other flours in your baking.

Rye Flour: Whole ground into a finer consistency than rye meal.

Generally sold as light (or white, with most or all of the bran removed), medium, dark or pumpernickel. Sold in health food stores and by mail order. The light and medium is sometimes available in supermarkets.

Rye Flakes or Rolled Rye: Groats that are steamed and then pressed or rolled between high-pressure roller, very much like rolled oats, but with thicker flakes. Can be cooked and eaten for breakfast, or soaked and used to top breads as a nutritious decoration.

Type of Grain: Whole Grain Rye Amount of Liquid: 3¼ C.

Cooking Method: Pick over grain, rinse and drain. Bring :Cooking and 1 hour Standing Time: Approx Yield: 2 C.

Comments: Salt after cooking and keep grains at room Type of Grain: Rye Grits

Amount of Liquid: 3 ½ C.

Cooking Method: Bring salted water to boil in 3-qt.

:Cooking and 35-40 minutes Standing Time: Approx Yield: 2 ⅔ C.

Comments: A bit thicker than standard grits; makes a Type of Grain: Rye Flakes or Rolled Rye Amount of Liquid: 3 C.

Cooking Method: Bring salted water to boil in 3-qt.

:Cooking and 25-30 minutes Standing Time: Approx Yield: 2 ⅔ C.

Submitted By DIANE LAZARUS On 03-16-95

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