Kitchen ideas 3

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Why Didn't I Think of That
published by The Wimmer Companies, Inc
ISBN 1-882232-15-1


: No more tears when peeling or slicing onions if you first : place them in the freezer for four or five minutes.


: To rid your hands of odors after cutting up onions or : garlic, rub moistened salt into your hands, then rinse with : warm water and soap.


: Removing all air from plastic bags before freezing will help : preserve flavor and appearance of their contents and will : keep ice particles from forming. Remove air by inserting a : straw into the bag, twist bag and suck. If no straw is : handy, use your own lung power to suck the air out. Give : the bag several more twists, then seal.


: Place a dampened folded dish towel under the bowl in which : you are whipping cream to keep the bowl from moving all over : the counter top.


: Add a small amount of vinegar when cooking older beef or : chicken to make the meat tender and give it a delicious : flavor.


: When you're scalding milk, first rinse the pan in cold water : and the milk won't stick to the pan.


: If your recipe calls for herbs, marinate them in a : tablespoon or two of olive oil for 30 minutes before : adding to the stew or sauce to bring out the full aroma of : the herbs.


: To easily unmold gelatin, smooth a thin coating of : mayonnaise or salad dressing on all areas of the mold that : the gelatin will touch. If you wet the dish or plate on : which the gelatin is to be unmolded, it can be moved around : until centered.


: Drop a lettuce leaf into a pot of homemade soup to absorb : excess grease from the top.


: If you've over salted your soup or vegetables, add a slice : of raw potato.


: A slice of raw potato will also re-crisp limp celery. Just : put them together in cold water for a few hours.


: Cream will whip faster and better if you first chill the : cream, the beaters and the bowl.


: A cup hook mounted near the kitchen sink makes a safe, : convenient holder for rings or other jewelry while you wash : dishes.


: Glycerin, applied with a medicine dropper, makes an excellent : lubricant for egg beaters and other kitchen utensils with : moving parts. Unlike oil, it will not spoil the taste of : food if accidentally mixed.


: When eggs are stored in one basket, pencil-mark the older : ones as a reminder to use them first.


: Make your own celery flakes. Just cut and wash the leaves : from the celery stalks; place them in the oven on low heat : or in the hot sun until thoroughly dry. Crumble and store in : an air-tight container.


: Brush fresh meat with olive oil before wrapping for the : freezer to keep it moist and prevent any drying out.


: A little vinegar and salt boiled in an iron skillet removes : burned or discolored spots.


: Vinegar will remove fish and onion odors from dishes, : utensils and your hands. A teaspoon of heated vinegar added : to boiling cake icing prevents it from cracking when set.


: Grease the prongs of the long handled fork to prevent : roasted marshmallows from sticking.


: After beating egg whites, don't tap the beater on the bowl.

: It causes the whites to lose much of their fluffiness.


: If you're in a hurry for ice cubes, leaves 3 or 4 cubes in : the tray when you refill it. They chill the water faster and : you'll have ice cubes in half the time.


: Two waxed paper sandwich bags, one slipped inside the other, : make a dandy makeshift mitt to use for greasing cookie : sheets and baking pans.

Submitted By DIANE LAZARUS On 12-05-94

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