Marinated spareribs

Yield: 4 Servings

Measure Ingredient
3 pounds Country style spareribs
½ cup Sherry
½ cup Orange juice
½ cup Shoyu
1 cup Honey plus..
1½ \N Cloves garlic, minced
\N \N Grated gingeroot to taste

Par boil the spareribs for about 10 minutes, scraping off the scum as it accumulates in the boiling water. Mix all but ¼ c of the hoeny, Add the spareribls and marinated at room temperature for about 3 hours (or in the refrigerator for longer) turning occasionally. Bake on a rack in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 45 minutes, turning once. Meanwhile, bring the marinade ot a boil, and cook until it is reduced to about ½ cup. Add the remaining ½ c honey, mix well and baste the spareribs often with this mixture. Baste the ribs with additional honey 10 minutes before they are done, turn th eoven up to 475 degrees and let cook to glaze.

Taken from back of 1974 calendar, from local Hawaiian newspaper

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