Pernod fish (sephardic/yemenite)

Yield: 6 servings

Measure Ingredient
½ cup Oil
4 pounds Firm-fleshed white fish filleted
3 cups Onions; chopped
1½ cup Milk
1½ teaspoon Each salt and pepper
½ cup Pernod

Heat oil in a large skillet; saute the fish on both sides. Remove fish to a large baking dish.

Saute onions in the same skillet over low heat until golden, adding more oil if necessary. Stir in the milk, salt and pepper; blend well. Over low heat, bring the sauce to a boil. Stir in Pernod; continue to simmer for 5 minutes. Pour sauce over the fish in the baking dish; bake at 350 F for 10 minutes.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings.

From "The Yemenite Cookbook" by Zion Levi and Hani Agabria. New York: Seaver Books, 1988. Pg. 183. ISBN 0-8050-0394-0. Posted by Cathy Harned. Submitted By CATHY HARNED On 10-15-94

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