Golden syrup biscuits

Yield: 30 Servings

Measure Ingredient
1 ounce Butter
2 tablespoons Golden syrup
½ teaspoon Bicarbonate of soda
¼ teaspoon Vanilla essence
4 ounces Self-rising flour

Put the fat and syrup into a heavy saucepan and warm until the fat has melted. Remove from the heat and mix in the bicarbonate of soda and vanilla essence, then beat in the flour. Cool.

Roll out the mixture until wafer thin and cut into shapes with biscuit cutters. Place on greased baking sheets and bake in a cool(300F) oven for 0 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on a wire rack.

Note: This recipe was >Piquant Chocolate Sauce >6 tbs golden syrup9 oz soft brown sugar >2 oz butter3 fl oz water >6 oz can evaporated milk >finely grated rine, juice 1 small lemon >Measure syrup with hot spoon into pan, add sugar, butter, water, heat gently, stirring occasionally, until sugar dissolved. Bring to boil, take off heat, stir in milk, lemobroadcast over BBC radio in the early months of the war and was recommended by Mrs. Nevill Chamberlain(then the pM's wife) as a good sugar saver.

Recipe by: The Women's Institute Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #650 by Douglas Weller <dweller@...> on Jun 29, 1997

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