Champagne dessert cocktails (january)

Yield: 8 Servings

Measure Ingredient
2 packs Lemon-flavored gelatin; (4 servings each)
2 cups Boiling water
2 cups Champagne
8 \N Strawberries; hulled

In a large bowl, dissolve the gelatin in the boiling water; let cool for 10 minutes. Add the champagne and chill for 40 to 45 minutes, until slightly thickened. Reserve 1 cup of the gelatin mixutre and spoon the remaining gelatin mixture evenly into 8 champagne flutes or parfait glasses. Place 1 strawberry in each glass. In a small bowl, with an electric beater on high speed, beat the reserved 1 cup gelatin mixture until fluffy and doubled in volume. Spoon evenly into the glasses, then cover and chill for at least 2 hours until set.

Note: This is a perfect way to enjoy leftover champagne. It's also good for times when you want to serve a sparkling dessert.

This recipe comes from; Mr. Food® Cool Cravings ISBN 0-688-14579-5 Published in 1997

Recipe by: Mr.Food® (Art Ginsburg) Cool Cravings Posted to recipelu-digest Volume 01 Number 562 by PLK1028<PLK1028@...> on Jan 19, 1998

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