Apricot & cherry bread pudding

Yield: 4 servings

Measure Ingredient
1.00 pounds sweet cherries, pitted
½ pounds dried apricots, sliced
½ cup sugar
1.00 cup water
1.00 tablespoon lemon juice
8.00 slice crusty country bread, about inch th; ick
2.00 tablespoon melted butter
¼ cup drained plain yogurt
1 \N sweetened with 1 tablespoon
1 \N powdered
1 \N sugar

In a heavy bottomed saucepan, place the cherries, apricots, and sugar, and let stand for 30 minutes. Then add 1 cup water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the lemon juice and set aside to cool slightly.

Preheat the broiler to high. Brush the bread slices, on one side with the melted butter. Place buttered side up, in the serving dish, slightly overlapping, in one layer. Set under the broiler to lightly toast the bread. Ladle the cooled cherry juices over the bread.

Scatter the cherries and apricots on top and bring to a boil on top of the stove. Cover with foil and cook on medium for 5 minutes. Serve with a dollop of the sweetened yogurt.

Yield: 4 to 6 servings


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